“I got to experience the fetal ejection reflex for the first time, which was amazing!!!” – Georgia’s Birth Story
This beautiful mum came to me to prepare for the birth of her third baby. When we first started chatting she shared a little bit about her first two experiences writing: “My first babe was an emergency section because of distress after induction, no progression of labour and wired CTG. I was really uneducated about…
Read More‘I still can’t believe I did it!!!’ – The healing Hypnobirth of Sadie Lane
When I received the birth story from this special mum I burst into happy tears!! This mum had a very long and traumatic birth with her first baby which included a cascade of intervention and affected both mum and dad well into their postpartum journey. Bess came to me to prepare for her second birth…
Read MoreAcupuncture for pregnancy and birth – with Rachel Pavitt -Rumery
Fertility and pregnancy acupuncturist Rachel Pavitt-Rumery from Health Space in Mona Vale joins me LIVE to chat how acupuncture can help you on your motherhood journey. Listen as we chat all things acupuncture and birth – including how acupuncture can help with pregnancy-related symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, circulation, pelvic and lower back pain, haemorrhoids,…
Read More“I yelled out I DID IT!!!” – Avery’s Birth Story
This couple came to my course for the birth of their second baby after what they describe as a ‘traumatic’ first birth, with an induction that did not end as expected. During the course, I saw them process the first birth, question it and begin to prepare for their second birth with excitement rather than…
Read MoreWhat is Hypnobirth and how can it help me? Episode 22 – The Love Approach Podcast
Recently I was featured on ‘The Love Approach Project’ Podcast. In this episode I talk about what Hypnobirth is and how it helped me with my own birth and my struggle with anxiety. It also focuses on the importance of knowledge, support and the role of fear and the impact this can have on the…
Read MoreWhat does a Positive Birth mean to you?
There is a BIG misconception about Hypnobirth that: Positive Birth = Natural, Drug-free, Intervention-Free birth This is not the case – although it may be for some. In class, I ask mums and their birth partners to answer this question: ‘WHAT DOES A POSITIVE BIRTH MEAN TO ME?’ Every answer is unique. Just like birth,…
Read MoreWelcome Hypnobub – Penelope!
❤❤❤AND JUST LIKE THAT A MOTHER IS BORN❤❤❤ My beautiful client Kathleen deep in the love bubble with her little hypnobub, Penelope. The message that her partner wrote with this stunning photo made me well up 😢. It captures so beautifully the feelings of the birth partner. The awe and admiration of their partner’s incredible…
Read MoreDirected Pushing and Breathing Bearing Down in the Second Stage of Labour
For most people, the way they envision women ‘pushing’ in the second stage of labour is through ‘directed pushing’ – where the woman is quite literally directed to push by caregivers. However, this is not always the case for all women in the second stage of labour. So what are the Directed Pushing vs Spontaneous/Breathing…
Read MoreHypnobirth is not about being quiet
One of the misconceptions about Hypnobirth is that Hypnomums are ‘zoned out’ or ‘in a trance’ and have to be quiet or placid. While it may look like this – Hypnomums have actually trained themselves to be in an incredible state of deep relaxation while also being in a state of acute awareness. They can…
Read MoreMidwife has healing Hypnobirth after traumatic first birth
This is a beautiful interview with a couple who completed the Positive Birth course with Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner Shari Lyon from Belly2Birth Hypnobirthing on the Gold Coast. Hannah is a midwife and Garth is a Doctor (Paediatrician) so when it comes to the physiological side of labour, these guys have it covered. However, after a…
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