Will they let me? Your choices during pregnancy and birth….
“Will they let me give birth in that position?”
“Will they let me say no to a vaginal examination?”
“Will they let me have delayed cord clamping”
“Will they let me deliver the placenta physiologically?”
I hear questions like these a lot during my classes.
It is a great insight into how many people subconsciously act once they are within a hospital setting.
Passive patients – waiting to be told what they can or can’t do.
✔Your caregivers are the employee and you are the employer.
✔You are giving birth – it is not being done to you!
✔You have choices and options.
✔You can say no.
✔You do not need to seek permission for your choices.
Discuss your birth preferences with your care provider ahead of time.
If they don’t seem on board – it might be time to find someone else who will be.