‘It was an incredible experience’ – Fredrik’s Birth Story
Hi Nat
Little Fredrik arrived 7.29am Sunday 10th January. It was an incredible experience. Labour started approx 11pm the evening before and was pretty strong by 1am. Managed to calmly breath through all of the contractions whilst we remained home – Adam setting the space with candles, lavender, the affirmations playing and using a heat pack on my lower back whilst squeezing hips through contractions. We left for hospital around 5.30am at which point contractions were less than 2 minutes apart but waters still in tact.

I was completely open to this as at this stage I was really struggling to have the energy to push effectively whilst managing the pain. I think the whole ward would have heard me deliver and I squeezed the life out of Adam’s hand but a short time later we met our little man. We didn’t know the gender though I was convinced the whole time it was a boy – still was in disbelief when he finally arrived. We are so grateful for the birth experience and thank you again deeply for your guidance. Adam was amazing the whole way through – any time I started to get overwhelmed or doubtful he would reassure me. We also had the most wonderful OB and great midwives.

For little Arna it was love at first sight – she thinks he is better than Christmas! Still wakes up every morning saying ‘Freddie, Freddie, Freddie’.
So thank you again for playing such a big part in enabling us to have this experience. I’ve attached some photos for you and happy for you to share on your socials.
Emma & Adam